29 March 2025
Community members encouraged to help Clean Up Australia

COMMUNITY members across the shire are invited to a series of events that will bring people together to help clean up and conserve our natural environments.

Clean Up Australia Day is Australia's longest-running national day of environmental action.

In 2025, this important campaign is celebrating 35 years of keeping lands, roads and waterways clean and pollution-free.

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr Sarah Nicholas, encourages community members to rally their friends and family to join a local event and help eliminate litter and waste.

"Every year, there are selfless people in our communities who make the effort to pick up rubbish across the Alpine Shire," she said.

"While we can't control the actions of those who litter, we can join these people on Clean Up Australia Day to help remove waste and restore our natural environments.

"It is terrific to see groups of people working together to pick up quite large amounts of rubbish and I thank all who participate."

There are three events taking place across the Alpine Shire on Sunday, 2 March 2025.

A clean up is scheduled for Howitt Park along the Ovens River in Bright: meet at the Sibley Soundshell at 9am.

There will be a post-clean up sausage sizzle for volunteers.

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Register for Bright by visiting:

In Mount Beauty there will be a clean up in Bicentennial Park and the Mount Beauty Pondage.

Volunteers can meet at the barbecue shelter at 9am, with a post-clean up sausage sizzle for volunteers planned afterwards.

Register for Mount Beauty by visiting

In Myrtleford the Myrtleford & District Landcare & Sustainability Group will host a clean up at Happy Valley Creek.

People willing to lend a hand can meet at the Jubilee Park Pavilion at 9:30am and celebrate their efforts with the post clean-up morning tea and barbecue provided.

Parking will be available at the Myrtleford Lawn Bowls Club, across the pedestrian bridge.

Register for Myrtleford by visiting

All volunteers are reminded to bring suitable footwear, a hat, water bottle and sunscreen.

Community members are encouraged to look out for volunteers on Sunday, 2 March 2025, who will be wearing high-vis as they help to Clean Up Australia.

Thank you to Myrtleford & District Landcare & Sustainability Group for once again hosting the Clean Up Australia Day event in Myrtleford.