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Indigo Interview: A love of Rutherglen

Darren 'Tracka' Trevaskis was born in Deniliquin NSW.

His parents moved to Rutherglen when he was two-years-old.

“I really loved growing up in Rutherglen, have been here for 45 years and it’s great to be part of a small community,” he said.

“I married my wife Emma in 2001 and have two daughters, Chloe and Sarah.”

What do you do workwise?

I have worked for farm warehouse AGnVET in Rutherglen as a customer services and truckdriver for the past two and a half years.

The agribusiness provides valuable products and services to local farmers, wineries and contractors.

What brought you to your role/career?

After being a local concreter for 26 years it was time for a change and AGNVET was looking for a reliable local person to fill the role.

What do you love about your work?

I enjoy the variety of work in a great team environment.

I love being out in the open and on road delivering supplies to farmers and catching up with all the locals in the shop serving them as well.

What do you do in the community?

I volunteered for Rutherglen Football Club for more than 15 years.

Started off being the runner for the seconds footy team then became the team's manager for a decade.

I joined the committee back in 2014 helping with sponsorship and all day-to-day jobs around the ground.

A highlight was in 2017 when the club raised $93,000 for Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre making it a special year for the club, and I was thrilled to be named club person in 2018.

I still enjoy watching local games and helping on the barbeque or in the bar when needed.

I am currently the Rutherglen SES Unit controller enjoying the challenges of the role and have been a member for five years.

SES is a great place to meet people and to learn life saving skills all while helping the community.

Once a month I help the Lions Club at the farmers market with their barbeque.

Is there an important community issue that you think needs addressing?

Fixing the roads.

Road conditions around Rutherglen are the worst I have seen.

Since the floods in 2022 their condition has badly deteriorated.

What would you do to solve change, improve that situation?

It's a hard one to solve as the worst affected roads are state government funded.

The government should be looking into more resources for our area.

What do you see as one of the most important current world issues?

The rise in cost of living.

This is having a major effect on lower income earners as it makes it harder for people to afford basic necessities like food, housing, and healthcare.

If the person you would most like to meet came to Indigo Shire (past or present), or was already here, who would that be, what would you show them, and why?

I’d love to meet American actor and film producer Mark Sinclair known professionally as Vin Diesel and invite him to the Rutherglen Rumble on 26 April.

The event started after the 2022 floods with more than $40,000 raised for people displaced by the floods

This year, money is being raised for Gateway Health with over 500 cars bike and trucks.

Vin is a big car enthusiast he and would draw a massive crowd.

What books are you reading?

I don't read books, but I enjoy watching movies and series on Netflix.

Currently watching ‘The Rookie’ – about a rookie cop going through the academy at middle age and becoming a police officer.

A great story line, action and humour.