Mansfield courier
90 years young - Heather Clayton

ON Thursday last week, Heather Clayton celebrated her 90th birthday over lunch with around 70 close friends and family at the Mansfield Hotel.

Heather is a retired nurse who worked in Mansfield for over 30 years.

She grew up in Yea and completed her nursing training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

“In 1956 I came up to Mansfield to work at the hospital and I’ve never left,” she said.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nurse, so I achieved that."

Heather is the youngest of out of her four siblings.

“We have all reached our 90s,” she said.

“My sister passed away a couple of years ago when she was 95 and I’ve outlived my parents, grandparents and great grandparents.”

Heather has lived on Highett Street since the late 1950s and she said Mansfield has changed a lot from when she first moved.

“When I came here there were about seven timber mills and now there’s none,” she explained.

In 1957, Heather married local builder John Clayton and they went on to have three kids.

Two of her children, Graham Clayton and Deb McCarthy shared some of their memories.

“She is very friendly and community minded,” Graham said.

Heather was involved in a number of community groups including the Red Cross, CWA and senior citizens.

“Our place was known as the party house; we always had people calling in and out all the time when we were growing up,” Deb said.

“Everyone was accepted to come up.

“We never had beach holidays; we always went camping in the bush with friends.

“There are not many people who get to 90.

“She was always there for us, and she loves her great grandkids.”

Lois Manchester met Heather 20 years ago while she was volunteering for the Red Cross and in charge of catering.

“There were 50 team members and Heather was one of them,” she explained.

“I lived across the road from her, but it’s only the last 15 years that I’ve gotten close to her.

“Heather is a lovely lady, she’s very kind and always very supportive.

“For her birthday I set up the tables and helped organise the event.

“For 90 she is great, I hope I’m like that at 90.”